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Here is my portfolio for compositing, consisting of screen replacement, set clean up and more.

Compositing Showreel - Winston Tjia

Here is my compositing showreel, a mix of personal projects and past films I have worked on.


Software Used:

Adobe After Effects

Autodesk Maya

DaVinci Resolve
Foundry NUKE

Sign Replacement

The Shopkeeper's Place

Using Cornerpin and tracking to make the footage and replace the sign of a scene. Rotoscoping the sign to create the shape of the shadows. 

Screen Replacement

Soft Target

Using NUKE to integrate footage to a screen. Tracking the footage to add a corner pin match move to the screen. Distorting the footage to match the shape and adding a reflective layer to the TV screen. 

Set Clean Up


Clean up set elements like boom microphones, pots and flags from the film. Using rotoscoping techniques and roto paint to remove elements. 

CG Intergration

Bound by water

Integrating CG elements to live action footage. Having the boat move in a realistic motion with the waves and lighting. Using the boat's alpha matte to isolate the boat and create shadows.

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